The North Koreans have conducted two underground nuclear tests. 北韩已经进行了两次地下核试验。
As we mark the first International Day against Nuclear Tests, I look forward to working with all partners to rein in spending on nuclear weapons and rid the world of the nuclear threat. 在我们纪念第一个禁止核试验国际日之际,我期望同所有伙伴合作,控制核武器开支,消除世界上的核威胁。
Even as the UN pushes for a ban on all nuclear tests, there's still concern that North Korea and Iran are attempting to make nuclear bombs. 即便联合国敦促禁止所有核试验,但是对于朝鲜和伊朗正试图制造核炸弹的担心仍然存在。
In 2006 and 2009, North Korea followed rocket launches with nuclear tests. 朝鲜2006年和2009年都在火箭发射后进行了核试验。
North Korea's two nuclear tests in the past five years triggered international sanctions against Pyongyang. 朝鲜过去五年举行两次核试验,导致国际社会对平壤实施制裁。
North Korea carried out nuclear tests in 2006, 2009 and 2013. 朝鲜进行核试验是在20062009和2013。
The United Nations Security Council condemned Wednesday's launch as a clear violation of sanctions barring Pyongyang from carrying out missile or nuclear tests. 联合国安理会谴责朝鲜星期三的发射是明显违反禁止平壤进行导弹或核试验的制裁。
New missile or nuclear tests would put more pressure on China to cut off its client in Pyongyang and further test US-China relations. 新导弹或核试验将让中国有更大的压力放弃对朝鲜的庇护,并将进一步考验美中关系。
Maybe used to monitor nuclear tests. 或许是用于观测核试验的。
The disaster emitted as much long-term radiation into the world's air, topsoil and water as all the nuclear tests and bombs ever exploded, according to a study by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in california. 据加利福尼亚州劳伦斯利弗莫尔国家实验室的研究,这场灾难散播到大气、表土和水中的长期放射物就像核试验、氢弹爆炸释放的一样多。
But China will demand and end to nuclear tests, for starters. 但中国会要求朝鲜停止核试验作为一个开始。
The US placed sanctions on India in 1998 after New Delhi stunned the world with nuclear tests. 1998年,印度的核试验震惊了世界。之后美国对印度实施了制裁。
Although there have been several specialized treaties prohibiting nuclear tests and supporting the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, these special laws can hardly be used to prove the unlawfulness of the DPRK nuclear test. 虽然在禁止核试验和不扩散核武器这一专门领域已经制定了多项条约,但是这些最直接的特殊法都难以用来作为证明朝鲜核试验之非法性的法律依据。
Nuclear tests would not be needed for some new arms technologies. 某些新的武器技术确实不需进行核子试爆。
China, India, and even North Korea, have done many nuclear tests. 中国和印度甚至朝鲜都做过许多核试验。
The recent nuclear tests have made the early entry into force of the treaty a more pressing task. 不久前发生的新的核试验,使《全面禁止核试验条约》尽早生效显得更加紧迫。
They waged a campaign against nuclear tests. 他们开展了反核试验运动。
Atmospheric nuclear tests are now banned by an international treaty. 在大气层中进行核试验现在已被一项国际条约所禁止。
It concluded that, in principle, it would indeed be possible to develop a replacement warhead without conducting any new nuclear tests. 该团队总结道,从原则上讲,开发一个无需进行新的核试验的替代弹头的确是有可能的。
Even though they need more nuclear tests, they will use this as a card to play when they feel really threatened. 他表示:即使他们需要进行更多核试验,他们也会将其当作确实感到威胁时使用的一张牌。
North Korea agreed to suspend nuclear tests, long-range missile launches and its activities at an important nuclear facility in an announcement yesterday that represents a surprise breakthrough for nuclear diplomacy. 朝鲜昨日发表声明,同意暂停核试验、远程导弹发射和在一个重要核设施的核活动。这一声明代表着核外交领域的一项意外突破。
Then Pakistan followed suit, in response to India's nuclear tests. Nuclear weapon tests were again conducted even after the conclusion of the CTBT. 之后,巴基斯坦针对印度核试验做出反应,也进行了核试验。《全面禁止核试验条约》缔结后,新的核试验还在发生。
The country was urgently calling for peace while in the meantime secretly doing nuclear tests. 该国急切呼吁和平的同时却又在秘密进行核试验。
Iran and North Korea have since then stepped up their nuclear programmes, with Pyongyang carrying out nuclear tests and Tehran installing some 8,000 centrifuges to enrich uranium. 此后,伊朗和朝鲜加强了其核计划平壤进行了核试验,德黑兰安装了大约8000台离心机,用来进行铀浓缩。
We joined the fray screaming for no nuclear tests. 我们加入了反对核试验的辩论中。
Despite two nuclear tests and many rumors, we are unaware of publicly available evidence that North Korea has operationalized its nuclear weapons capability. 尽管两次核试验和许多传闻,我们不知道公开可得有关朝鲜拥有它的可操作核武器能力的证据。
The president remains evasive ablut the site of the proposed nuclear tests. 总统对于拟议中的核试验的地点仍闪烁其词。